Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama gives a speech, again

As if anyone needed to be told this, I am not a fan of Obama. I am also not a fan of Reid, Pelosi, and much of the Democratic Congress. The reason for this antipathy lies in the fact that I am a huge fan of this country, and I feel that they are doing all they can to destroy it. I am sick and tired of politicians ignoring the Constitution, and also trying to tell everyone how they can, and cannot, live their lives.

That being said what I really want to discuss are a few things concerning last night’s speech by President Obama.

First, frankly I am sick of this guy’s speeches. He won, he can stop campaigning. Or maybe he can’t since it is quite apparent that while he convinced people to vote for him he, and Congress, are struggling with convincing the people that they know what they are doing now that they are there. Approval ratings are plummeting, and the credibility of the administration is as well, even as the media continues to shield Obama and his cronies. Yes, the MSM has run some critical pieces, but they are more to try and convince everyone that they are not biased than to really do anything meaningful.

Second, even though it was rude and shouldn’t have been done, Rep. Joe Wilson is my new hero. He flat out called Obama on his lie about whether illegal aliens would be covered by the currently proposed health care bill and he was right. But then again how would Obama know? He has already admitted he has not read the bill, and as I have posted before there are Congressional members that have no intention of reading the bill even as they are voting for it. Essentially refusing to do a key part of the job they were hired to do. Of course Wilson is getting condemned from both sides for his outburst, but where was the condemnation from the Dems when they booed Bush during his State of the Union address? The hypocrisy continues. As usual though I digress, let’s look at the claim by Obama…

Quote: “There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false—the reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.”

Fact: Nothing in any of the Democrat bills would require individuals to verify their citizenship or identity prior to receiving taxpayer-subsidized benefits—making the President’s promise one that the legislation itself does not keep.

Interesting isn’t it? Not only does the proposed 1018 page plan not require verification but it also does not specifically exclude illegal immigrants from getting coverage. And something not excluded is tacitly accepted when it comes to the government.

Lastly, Obama also states “Nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have. Let me repeat this: nothing in our plan requires you to change what you have. “

Unfortunately the Congressional Budget Office does not agree. The CBO believes that millions will lose their current coverage under this plan. And I think they are understating this issue greatly. The fact is that from a business standpoint if I have to weigh paying out $8,000 a year to cover an employee (based on my coverage which is 2k paid by me and the rest paid by my work) or pay $750 to move someone over to the public option which one do you think will be chosen? Another thing that is in that bill that no one wants to read is the real trap, once moved you can’t move back. It’s like a roach motel.

I believe we need health care reform. The current system is definitely broken. There are people that fall through the cracks all the time and we should do what we can to take care of them. However this proposal is not the answer. Never mind the fact that we cannot afford to put it in place. The American people get it, as evidenced by the reactions at the town halls and various protests as well as the approval ratings. But the real question is will these politicians listen? Considering the speed at which they are moving I think they are listening, but are so bound and determined to get this in place in spite of public opinion, that they are going to rush it through. And that is another issues, if it needs to be done take the time to do it right. Do not slam it through as fast as possible as is being done.

But maybe they are afraid of what will happen in the next elections.

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