So let me see if I have this straight.
Both houses in Congress have passed healthcare reform bills that equal about 4,000 pages. One has a public option and one does not. Both were created under the argument that all Americans, being equal, deserve to have the same access to health insurance. Not health care, health insurance. They have decided that this goal is so important that they are willing to ignore public sentiment (as is their right, they don’t have to poll their voters prior to making a decision) and go ahead even as they acknowledge they will most likely not be re-elected.
Congress themselves are exempted from any and all of the various requirements. They get to keep their own plan forever and ever and it is not considered a “Cadillac” plan.
Some states, because their senators’ votes were in question, got sweetheart deals that basically mean they do not have to pay for any of it.
Public employees and union members do not have to pay the 40% tax on “Cadillac” plans until after 2017, though that date could be renegotiated in the future.
So my questions are as follows:
If this is such a great plan why is Harry Reid trying to sneak language in that essentially makes it impossible to repeal? Something not allowed under the current rules and he does not have the votes to actually pass. Which essentially means that the passage of the bill as written is illegal anyway.
If this is such a great plan why is Congress exempt?
If all Americans are equal how come the majority of the states will be paying for the few that got bought off? If this was such a great plan that would have hardly been needed right?
Why are the unions getting preferential treatment? I mean I know the answer but seriously?
I am not ready to say that we should vote out every incumbent but if someone is coming up for re-election and they voted for either of these piece of crap bills show them the door! Passing something with the idea that it will be fixed later is idiotic.
One last thought…
If you voted for Obama. Good call!
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